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Covid vaccines wreak havoc in Europe, according to official EU statistics

Foto do escritor: Atom BlackAtom Black

In just 3 months, according to official EU statistics, the three main Covid-19 vaccines are wreaking havoc in Europe

The figures are nothing short of shocking: already more than 5,300 reported deaths and more than 135,000 unrecovered sick people.

If any product from the store has a minuscule chance of causing an injury or death, it is immediately withdrawn from sale everywhere. With corona vaccines the situation is exactly the opposite: the political and social pressure to inject these experimental, obviously highly dangerous gene-manipulating substances into your body, which have demonstrably already caused so many victims, is enormous and will only get worse.

‘Together we will get corona under control’, in view of the frightening developments, could be better replaced by ‘With a corona syringe your world quickly ends’. Take a look at the figures (updated to March 27, only the most serious cases), and don’t hesitate to check them out:

33 deaths and 1128 unrecovered sick (blood and lymphatic disorders) 104 deaths and 730 unrecovered patients (heart disease) 1 death and 7 non-recovered patients (congenital and genetic disorders) 0 deaths and 864 unrecovered patients (ear and hearing disorders) 1 death and 15 non-recovered patients (endocrine (glandular) diseases) 2 deaths and 1332 non-recovered patients (eye diseases) 34 deaths and 7500 non-recovered patients (gastrointestinal diseases) 307 deaths and 22,844 unrecovered patients (“general” and “administration” disorders) 3 deaths and 31 non-recovered patients (liver diseases) 2 deaths and 169 non-recovered patients (immune system disorders) 67 deaths and 1641 non-recovered patients (infections) 9 deaths and 354 non-recovered patients (injuries, poisoning, ‘procedural complications’) 9 deaths and 1138 non-recovered patients (cause still under investigation) 7 deaths and 1386 non-recovered patients (metabolic and nutritional disorders) 7 deaths and 14,723 unrecovered patients (musculoskeletal and adhesive disorders) 2 deaths and 11 unrecovered patients (neoplasms (including cysts and polyps)) 105 deaths and 17,026 non-recovered patients (nervous system diseases) 0 deaths and 6 non-recovered patients (pregnancy-related problems, including spontaneous abortion) 0 deaths and 13 non-recovered patients (problems with the product) 4 deaths and 1304 non-recovered patients (psychiatric disorders) 8 deaths and 285 non-recovered patients (kidney and urinary tract disorders) 0 deaths and 252 non-recovered patients (reproductive and breast disorders) 79 deaths and 2601 non-recovered patients (respiratory and pulmonary diseases) 6 deaths and 3711 non-recovered patients (skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases) 2 deaths and 42 non-recovered patients (social conditions) 8 deaths and 69 non-recovered sick (from surgical and medical procedures) 37 deaths and 916 non-recovered sick (vascular diseases)


837 deaths and 80,098 unrecovered sick people

21 deaths and 2395 unrecovered sick people (blood and lymphatic diseases) 368 deaths and 782 unrecovered patients (heart disease) 2 deaths and 9 unrecovered patients (congenital and genetic disorders) 2 deaths and 785 unrecovered patients (ear and hearing disorders) 1 death and 22 non-recovered patients (endocrine (glandular) diseases) 3 deaths and 808 non-recovered patients (eye diseases) 172 deaths and 4,188 non-recovered patients (gastrointestinal diseases) 1147 deaths and 14,095 unrecovered patients (“general” and “administration” diseases) 14 deaths and 30 non-recovered patients (liver diseases) 13 deaths and 215 unrecovered patients (immune system disorders) 332 deaths and 1582 unrecovered patients (infections) 49 deaths and 340 unrecovered sick (injuries, poisoning, “procedural complications”) 137 deaths and 993 non-recovered patients (cause still under investigation) 69 deaths and 387 unrecovered patients (metabolic and nutritional disorders) 33 deaths and 7964 unrecovered patients (musculoskeletal and adhesive disorders) 3 deaths and 24 unrecovered patients (neoplasms (including cysts and polyps)) 267 deaths and 9420 unrecovered sick (nervous system diseases) 4 deaths and 15 unrecovered patients (pregnancy problems, including spontaneous abortion) 0 deaths and 4 non-recovered patients (problems with the product) 47 deaths and 746 non-recovered patients (pyschiatric disorders) 50 deaths and 137 non-recovered patients (kidney and urinary tract disorders) 1 death and 212 non-recovered patients (reproductive and breast disorders) 381 deaths and 2036 non-recovered patients (respiratory and pulmonary diseases) 26 deaths and 2516 non-recovered patients (skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases) 6 deaths and 82 non-recovered sick (social conditions) 5 deaths and 13 non-recovered sick (from surgical and medical procedures) 115 deaths and 899 non-recovered sick (vascular diseases)


3268 deaths and 50,699 unrecovered sick people

10 deaths and 137 unrecovered sick (blood and lymphatic disorders) 124 deaths and 134 non-recovered patients (heart diseases) 0 deaths and 64 non-recovered patients (ear and hearing disorders) 0 deaths and 2 non-recovered patients (endocrine (glandular) diseases) 2 deaths and 86 non-recovered patients (eye disorders) 43 deaths and 320 non-recovered patients (gastrointestinal diseases) 548 deaths and 1349 non-recovered patients (“general” and “administration” disorders) 2 deaths and 11 non-recovered patients (liver diseases) 1 death and 42 non-recovered patients (immune system disorders) 69 deaths and 183 non-recovered patients (infections) 21 deaths and 55 non-recovered patients (injuries, poisoning, ‘procedural complications’) 40 deaths and 119 non-recovered patients (cause still under investigation) 22 deaths and 63 non-recovered patients (metabolic and nutritional disorders) 25 deaths and 604 unrecovered patients (musculoskeletal and adhesive disorders) 3 deaths and 9 non-recovered patients (neoplasms (including cysts and polyps)) 138 deaths and 719 non-recovered patients (nervous system diseases) 0 deaths and 3 non-recovered patients (pregnancy-related problems, including spontaneous abortion) 16 deaths and 95 non-recovered patients (psychiatric disorders) 13 deaths and 30 non-recovered patients (kidney and urinary tract disorders) 1 death and 8 unrecovered patients (reproductive and breast disorders) 111 deaths and 253 non-recovered patients (respiratory and pulmonary diseases) 13 deaths and 274 non-recovered patients (skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases) 3 deaths and 37 non-recovered sick (social conditions) 5 deaths and 15 non-recovered patients (from surgical and medical procedures) 46 deaths and 111 non-recovered sick (vascular diseases)


1256 deaths and 4723 unrecovered sick people

Totals AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines:

5361 deaths and 135,520 unrecovered sick people

Note that these are only the recorded cases. In the U.S., there is the similar VAERS registration system, which historically includes only about 1% of all actual cases. The vast majority of deaths after vaccinations are attributed to other (medical) causes. Even if the EU had a system that worked 10 times better, the absolute numbers of deaths, injuries and illnesses would be staggering.

The Netherlands leads Europe with number of vaccination victims

The Netherlands appears to be the sad leader in Europe with 10,324 AstraZeneca ‘chimpanzee’ vaccine victims, followed by Italy and France. As for the Pfizer gene-manipulation ‘nano’ vaccine, we are in third place with 12,046 cases, with only France and Italy above us. However, with 1956 Moderna vaccine victims, we are again ‘proudly’ at the top, followed by Spain and Italy.

Why have I not put all these figures – which do not even include a much larger number of people who have recovered but still have health problems, and the approximately equally large number of ‘unknown’ cases (we are talking about at least 200,000 people) – into a convenient little statistic? Because I hope that seeing such a long list will make many people stop and think about the fact that behind every dead and unrecovered patient there is a great deal of suffering, not least among family members and next of kin.

What a scary world have we ended up in?

Do people still find it weird when I say that under no circumstances will I stand in line to get my potential kill shot. Conversely, I find it weird, strange, bizarre, and actually downright outrageous that people expect me to risk my life and health because they are afraid of a respiratory virus that even the highest bosses in the field admit is no more dangerous than the flu.

What I find even more scary, however, is that we have politicians who simply stand in front of the mirror in the morning to shave or make-up, then say hello to their partners and children (if any), and then demand – sometimes literally stamping their feet – that no one is allowed to say anything or ask questions about this, who still continue to claim that these “vaccines” are perfectly “safe” and “necessary” for “public health”, even “the best thing that could have happened to us”, and are in the process of introducing measures that amount to maximum indirect coercion through vaccination.

They ask me to put a gun to my temple and pull the trigger. If I refuse, I will soon be punished with a long-term or even permanent loss of my freedoms and civil rights. And if I succumb to this blackmail and do pull the trigger, and it goes horribly wrong, then both the government and the vaccine manufacturers have absolved themselves from any responsibility in advance, and it is still entirely my own fault.

Historical precedents: people let themselves be led to the slaughter like sheep

During the ethnic cleansing period there was a village in Croatia where all the inhabitants were led to the edge of a precipice by soldiers under the guise of ‘we will protect you’. They were then ‘asked’ to jump – and they did, down to the last man, woman and child. There was no coercion involved, no one resisted, no one was pushed. I never understood this total passivity – literally like sheep to the slaughter – until now. Now I see and hear exactly the same attitude all around me, even from people with a “high” education, whom I normally consider to be quite intelligent.

Earlier, after WW2, ashamed German soldiers expressed their bewilderment at the fact that the Jews simply lined up, and all walked neatly and meekly – accompanied by tuneful music – into the gas chambers. Same mechanism: most people refuse to believe that other people are capable of such atrocities against their fellow man. And that is precisely why they can happen again and again, in the near future even on an unprecedented scale if these people are not stopped quickly.

If the above figures still do not convince you, then I fear that you are a hopeless case and are already too far gone to be reached. Then dutifully go to a vaccination street, and see what comes of it. You may be lucky, I hope so. But ‘don’t shoot the messenger’ if you, your partner or your child also unexpectedly find yourself in the above statistics, if not now or in the near future, then in the fall or winter, when the respiratory viruses return and a crucial part of your immune system, thanks to these vaccines, turns out not to function or not to function properly, which several celebrated experts have warned about.

You have now been warned as well. More than enough.

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