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There is a phenomenon happening among us since 2020.

Until 2020, everyone paid attention to their doctors, now that they are speaking out more than ever, people are ignoring them and the vital information they bring to the table!

My name is Louise Lagendijk, I am a medical doctor and have an extensive research background in molecular genetics and obstetrics in the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam and the Harvard Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. During my education and research I focused on Women's Health.

I am a certified holistic health practitioner, mindfulness trainer and next to my studies I have always been fascinated by positive psychology, mind-body medicine as well as the latest medical technologies.

The way women’s bodies and minds work deeply fascinates me, especially in the rat race of daily life. It is therefore my mission to re-establish the mind-body connection in women and redirect them back to their innate inner wisdom.

I founded Women Care Inc., a holistic women’s practice, to be able to think outside the box, merge Eastern and Western medicine, and live my dream.

My dream is to help as many women as possible feel happy, vital and balanced- from soul to cell.



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